Los sellos de goma son muy útiles para personalizar cartas, tarjetas, agendas, libretas, books de fotografías... Sólo variando el color de la tinta se pueden conseguir infinidad de combinaciones (Azul, rojo, verde, dorado, plateado, rosa, negro...)

Como podeis ver son sellitos pequeños, tallados y dibujados por mí con mucho mimo.
Son dos sellitos de postres dulces: uno de un enorme helado y el otro de un apetitoso pastelito con una fresita encima, que tiene una pinta deliciosa!!!
Here I show you some rubber stamps that I have been doing in recent days.
The rubber stamps are very useful for customizing letters, cards, calendars, diaries, books of photographs ... The only difference is the color of the ink can get infinite combinations (blue, red, green, gold, silver, pink, black ...)
As you can see seals are small, cut and drawn by me with much affection.
Two stamps sweet desserts: one of a huge ice cream and the other a delicious cake with a strawberry on top, which has a delicious pint!
The rubber stamps are very useful for customizing letters, cards, calendars, diaries, books of photographs ... The only difference is the color of the ink can get infinite combinations (blue, red, green, gold, silver, pink, black ...)
As you can see seals are small, cut and drawn by me with much affection.
Two stamps sweet desserts: one of a huge ice cream and the other a delicious cake with a strawberry on top, which has a delicious pint!
Un divertido sello de un conejito romántico, con su corazón incluído.
A funny bunny stamp of a romantic with his heart included.
Un sello psicodélico, que gira y gira sobre sí mismo.
Un sellito de un pequeño duende o de un gnomo, con su gorrito característico y su simpática pose.
A psychedelic label, which turns and turns on itself.
A hallmark of a small puck or a gnome, with his characteristic hat and nice pose.
A hallmark of a small puck or a gnome, with his characteristic hat and nice pose.
Como veis sólo es una pequeña muestra de los sellos que puedo realizar.
Otro día que tenga más tiempo haré más sellos y os los mostraré encantada.
Espero que os gusten.
As you can see only a small sample of the stamps that I can do.
Another day I will have more time and more seals show you the enchanted.
I hope you like my stamps!
Another day I will have more time and more seals show you the enchanted.
I hope you like my stamps!
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